Foxy's Blog

Foxy’s Cat Fight & Halloween Masquerade Ball

OCTOBER 27, 2018
Foxy’s Cat Fight is the largest multi-hull regatta in the Caribbean!

In partnership with the Loyal West End Yacht Club, this regatta kicks off in the morning where skippers and crew arrive at Foxy’s for the pre-race meeting and breakfast, followed by a day of racing on the water. Some of the best sailors in the world reside in Tortola and jump in on the fun; however, the regatta is class “F” for fun and we welcome and encourage first time racers and anyone who wants to participate. Don’t have a boat? Come on by and volunteer to crew on one of the boats.

No good regatta is complete without a great after-party and our Halloween Masquerade Ball is the wildest in the West Indies. Whether or not you are sailing in the regatta, everyone is welcome!